VidNuT 9 - Mechanics / Energy Supply
Video vignettes on learners' ideas in the field of mechanics (gear) and energy (energy supply)
The intra-individual knowledge constructions of learners in the subject technology are often shaped by previous experiences and ideas from everyday life, which have little in common with the curricularly anchored specialist information systems. Only by identifying such characteristic ideas can suitable reaction modes and pedagogical interventions for instructional action sequences be developed. In the VidNuT project, we therefore endeavor to train student teachers in their professional lesson perception with the help of authentic video vignettes in order to be able to initiate learning processes for effective technology lessons (in the future).
Nepper, HH & Windelband, L. (2021 / submitted). Possible modes of reaction to student ideas in technology-related lessons. In E. Eichelberger, V. Huber Nivergelt & A. Käser (eds.), Research-based learning and teaching in the TTG. hep publishing house.
Wolf, F. & Nepper, HH (2021 / in press). How do you keep a house warm in winter and cool in summer? Exploratory recording of pre-class ideas on the subject of building and living. heiEDUCATION Journal. Transdisciplinary studies on teacher training.
Nepper, HH, Hecher, N., Ruch, A. & Goreth, S. (2021). Technical imaginations of students. Robots, robot-like machines and textile value chains. MNU-Journal, 74 (1), 72-84.
Nepper, HH & Gschwendtner, T. (2020). Student and teacher presentations on selected technical fundamentals of mechanics and energy supply. Journal of Technical Education (JOTED), 8 (1), 76-98.
Nepper, HH & Gschwendtner, T. (2020). Use of tablets to initiate articulation and reflection processes in dealing with student ideas among students studying technology. In J.-R. Schluchter & T.-S. The (Ed.), Tablets in College. University didactic perspective (TRANSFER, vol. 19, pp. 153-162). Baltmannsweiler: Tailor Hohengehren.
Nepper, HH & Gschwendtner, T. (2020). "From stepping on the pedals to moving the wheels" - pilot study to identify student and teacher ideas about the structure and function of a bicycle transmission. In B. Geißel & T. Gschwendtner (eds.), Insights into current research work in technology didactics (contributions to technology didactics, vol. 6, pp. 91-107). Berlin: Logos