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VidNuT 1 - optics
Video vignettes to promote the professional perception of teaching by physics teacher students when introducing apprentices in the field of optics
Everyday language and everyday observations influence the development of a physically correct understanding of the concept in students before, but also parallel to, subject lessons. It is therefore necessary for (prospective) teachers to develop a professional lesson perception in order to identify and deal with learners' ideas. In order to support physics teacher training students in developing their professional teaching perception, video vignettes are created in the VidNuT project and used, among other things, in specialist didactics seminars, where teacher training students then have the opportunity to analyze and reflect on authentic teaching situations. The video vignettes developed in Schwäbisch Gmünd will focus on physically inadequate learner ideas in the field of radiation optics, as well as their handling by the teacher.
Gramzow, Yvonne; Giant, Josef; Reinhold, Peter (2013): Modeling of didactic knowledge of prospective physics teachers. In: ZfDN 19, pp. 7-30.
Schecker, Horst; Wilhelm, Thomas; Hopf, Martin; Duit, Reinders (2018): Student presentations and physics lessons. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
Seidel, Tina; Stürmer, Kathleen (2014): Modeling and Measuring the Structure of Professional Vision in Preservice Teachers. In: American Educational Research Journal 51 (4), pp. 739-771. DOI: 10.3102 / 0002831214531321.
Müller, R .; Wodzinski, R .; Hopf, M. (2004): Student Concepts in Physics. Cologne: Aulis Verlag.
VidNuT Designer: David Weiler
VidNuT Expert: Lutz Kasper
Institution: Schwäbisch Gmünd University of Education ( Physics and Didactics Department)
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